F9 Distribution Baltic - Bringing technology to you!

We were founded in December 2014 by local Baltic IT distribution professionals and our parent company F9 Distribution OY - Finland's fastest-growing IT distribution company. Due to strong background and successful business track record of our founders, we attracted key industry talent from across the Baltics to join F9 from first days.

We assembled an excellent team, and this really paid off very fast - they proved themselves up to the task by approaching this start-up task with a winning combination of pragmatic decision-making and creative thinking. F9 brought to Baltic market new competition and all resellers and vendors won out of that.

We had a clear vision of future growth, and an understanding of the necessary steps and decisions towards succeeding in this competitive sector. We worked closely with our vendors and started to bring real value add to our resellers. Our slogan was: activity brings results! By harnessing market potential and our team's amazing hard work, we have become one of the fastest growing IT and home electronics distributors in the Baltic region. Our cornerstones are the solid expertise and drive of our staff, the best electronic service channels in the business, and flexible logistics. And with three national offices in each Baltic country (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) supported by our Vilnius warehouse, we have unrivalled customer care, market reach, and responsiveness. We are equally strong in each country.

Our company in a nutshell? Very simple: active sales, freedom to think and act.
Our primary clients are Baltic resellers in retail, B2B corporate & SMB channels. We proudly represent our vendors on the Baltic market – these are international manufacturers of IT & home electronics. We have systematically developed our agile operations and our ability to implement solutions. Our strong company culture cultivates an attitude of listening to customers, learning their needs, and providing ready-made solutions. Our company culture actively promotes the robust and ongoing development of our business to foster growth. We're consistently seeking new partnership opportunities to deliver the best in our market.

Milestones - Lithuania

Milestones - Latvia

Estonian - timeline